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Re: '86 5KCSTQ - Euro Light Direct Swap?

I'll agree partially.....you do need side marker lights, forgot about
that....but you are referring to the twin bulb light only (Euro
light)............there is another option of Euro light, (I have one) which
is a single light with one bulb (H4) made by Bosch, the light will fit in a
turbo Q (with the new side maker lights), the old grill will fit, but not
well, you do need a slanted grill just like the NA 5K, the Bosch single bulb
light has also a parking bulb in it, the lens on this light is glass and
also removable (attached with clips)...........

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Nas <tnas@euronet.nl>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Thursday, March 12, 1998 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: '86 5KCSTQ - Euro Light Direct Swap?

>"Avi Meron" <avi@cosmoslink.net> wrote:
>>The NA  (naturally aspirated) 5K, big lights will fit, Bosch makes some
>>maybe some other brands.............best is to have a slanted grill, but
>>can away without it...
>>>Hi All:
>>>With the exception of the wiring/relays, which Euro lights are a
>>>direct swap with the stock DOTs?
>>>Mark Pollan, '86 5KCSTQ 248K Miles
>Errr... sorry to correct you Avi, but that's wrong.
>The TQs use Audi 200 Euro lights. The NA Audi 100 (not called 5K in Europe)
>lights will fit, but require swapping grill and sidelights for Euro items
>(actually, you can use a US 5K NA grill).
>Advantage of the 200-type lights is the twin-bulb design with dedicated
>driving lights for high beam. Disadvantage: price.
>Straight/slanted grill is only an issue with 4K/CGT/UrQ headlight
>conversions. 5Ks have had slanted grills since the C3 came out in '83.
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Tom Nas                                          Zeist, The Netherlands
> tnas@euronet.nl
> 1988 Audi 80 1.8S, mostly Tizianrot metallic, 215,000km
>     Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others.
>                                  -- Groucho Marx, 1890-1977