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Re: Found P700z 215 50 15 ,,,,,

Dan Simoes wrote:
> My mechanic says those tires suck and wonders why everyone
> is looking for them.
> --

My mechanic said you have to outgas the A/C to change the radiator. I
didn't need to. My mechanic said don't bother changing the idler when
you do the timing belt. I should have insisted. My mechanic disagreed
with me that the wheel bearing noise was from the passenger side. After
he did the drivers side, and the noise was still there, he agreed that
it was the passenger side. Of course, now I'm my own mechanic, so I get
to be wrong all by myself. For example: radiator changed, why didn't I
change the thermostat while I was in there? Hello McFly! Doooh...

Anyway, I've learned I should listen to the usually correct wisdom of
the list, so there must be something good about those tires. Maybe
someone will elaborate.