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RE: Cops, Valentine One (re: CT tickets)

Shenanigans or no, the judge must abide by the laws for evidence.  If it
is true that the officer wrote down the wrong state it may be sufficient
for dismissal due to lack of evidence (you can actually disqualify the
citation as evidence!).  Many people have been able to beat tickets for
this reason and many others ... of course this will vary from state to
state, but don't give up too soon.  There is a company called Nolo Press
that prepares books to help you represent yourself in court on issues
like this ... they have a book specifically for dealing with traffic
tickets in California, maybe they have one for other states as well.  If
you're interested, check out the following URL:


One other suggestion I would have is to join the NMA ... they also have
a lot of resources for fighting traffic tickets.  Finally, make sure
that you do as much research about the court system in your area as
possible.  It may be possible to find out which judges are more likely
to accept your argument and which are not.  Make sure you know all the
rules as well ... I lost a case on a RADAR ticket because I didn't
subpoena the traffic survey ... I didn't know I supposed to do that.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
... can you tell I'm preparing a case now? :) ... :(
> ----------
> reasonable.  I would think that a judge is going to know that and not
> tolerate much shenanigans when a citation is issued.  As far as I
> know, the
> citation is issued to the driver, not the car.  I think they could
> probably
> write "Yugo" for "car" and "Bulgaria" for "state" and still have you.
> But
> I'm no lawyer.