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RE: tire discussion

Frank Amoroso[SMTP:famoroso@sprintmail.com] added:
>You will definitely enjoy the wet performance seeing as how the S-02 is
>basically an Indy rain tire for the street.  I'm waiting impatiently for 17"
>wheels so that I might bolt up 245/40-17's on the '93 S4.

Thanks, Frank.  The tread does look like it would do well in the wet.  I may
have to start watching CART again (esp. if Mclaren is going to dominate
F1 the way they did the first race).

One minor correction, if anyone is keeping track, the tire I put on were
205/55ZR16, not 50 profile.

Someone asked about noise, but I can't say too much, just that they are
much quieter than the studded Hakka 1s. . .
