Well winter has finally come to Traverse City,
MI, and killed off what I thought was my battery last Monday night.
I left it till the weekend and the warmup to try
and start it again, as has been successful before, but this time no dice, even
trying pushing and a jumper cable start.
The strange thing is that up to that morning it
was starting fine, almost on the first crank, even in cold
Could you guys please give me some pointers as
to what I should look for first, and in what order. I assume spark and
fuel flow are obvious, but all SPECIFICS would be much appreciated (words of one
syllable please).
I did notice a faint smell of electrical burning
inside the car after cranking a number of times. All the fuses seemed to be OK,
but my eyesight is not very good at close quarters. I have now fully
charged the battery and the acid level looks alright.
John Corbs