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Thule roofrack fairing on 200aq?
My '90 200aq has those avant roof rails. Man, I wish they used the
same system as VW, with the flat roof that has a basically invisible
rail that you can hook a Thule rack into...
Anyway: so I have the Thule rack, and I want to mount the Thule
fairing to reduce the howling tempest that rages above my head. But
the fairing wants the forward-most bar to be within 15" of the
windshield. The closest I can get it is about 19 or 20". Are there
any sneaky things I can do to get the fairing on?
* What if the fairing doesn't reach the windshield, but rests against
the roof 6" back? This is ugly.
* If I could extend the mounts for the fairing, would it still do any
* Is there some clever way to mount the forward bar further forward?
* Is there a way to make the roof rails reach further forward?
Washed/waxed the car last weekend. Must've been the first time in
many years. Lookin' good, and it seems to have mostly cured an old
shoulder injury that just needed some exercise!
ben@marimba.com http://www.marimba.com/people/benjamin
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