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How can you tell if "the bomb" is bad?

In message <35104C31.14E3D1F3@dimensional.com> Gary Bracken writes:

> The owner of the 200q says the brakes work just fine, so he doesn't want
> to pay for having the bomb replaced.  I'm going to drive the car back to
> Denver (if the deal is consumated), so I'm a little concerned about
> safety issues.

There aren't any, for a person in normal health.  Normal run-of-the-mill 
braking is unaffected - three crash stops in quick sucession is rare, and if 
you're of normal health your leg muscles are quite strong enough to stop an 
Audi without _any_ assistance at all.  You just have to stamp harder.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club