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Of Mountains, Molehills and Spherical Objects
(First QLister in accusatory tone :)
"Racist Slang ?"
(Second QLister, smiling smugly :)
"No, *Japaneesers* ! .......the words with the less offensive centres !!"
Cue Health Warning (in very small print)
'Japaneesers can help with commonsense loss only as part of a politically
correctly controlled diet.
Before embarking on any commonsense reduction program, you are advised to
consult any Adviser you like provided they are not from the Real World.'
-----Original Message-----
From: Carey Lyn <gsi05580@gsaix2.cc.gasou.edu>
To: Gary Bracken <gbracken@dimensional.com>
Cc: Arun Rao <rao@pixar.com>; quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Date: 19 March 1998 22:14
Subject: Re: Racist Slang
>I know the term "Jap" was used by mistake and without slanderous
>intensions so this is not another slam. With all due respect to Arun,
>even if he is not offended by this term, that doesn't mean that another
>Japaneese, a part Japaneese, or even a person who is not at all Japaneese
>wouldn't be affended by this term. Not all people of the same race think
>the same way about everything so that's why we should be more aware of
>what we say. Also I think past history makes us question the intent of
>some things said.
>See Ya!
>Carey Lyn