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Door Locks & Fading Brain Cells
I must be losing it - if I haven't already. The door lock link
replacement procedure is in my Audi FAQ - go to:
(if memory serves) and use the FAQ link to find the replacement
And BTW - I think it was Harrison that pointed this out - every now
and then the lock problem is NOT a broken link - the connection to
the lock system is held on with a plastic clip which CAN pop loose.
Maybe you've held your mouth just right and this is the problem.
Odds are against it, but if you look it over before ordering parts,
you should be able to see whether it's a loose "wire" or broken
lock link. The link is on the back end of the lock cylinder, and
rotates up & down as the key turns.
Al Powell, PhD Ph: 409/845-2807
Ag Communications Fax: 409/862-1202
Texas A&M University