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Re: Door Lock: Thanks and more hints

> Dan, who tracked down the two posts when my attempts using the
> archives failed.

Don't feel like you did something wrong - the archive search is still
not up to snuff (at the moment it is only searching docs from 1997)
and the other stuff needs to be organized.  As always, thinking
and working on it, SLOWLY!


> The parts guy knows the recommended items by heart:
> 893837287D  Carrier 
> 893837061B  Lock Cyl
> N 0124111   Lockring 

Yeah, makes you wonder why Audi didn't offer to fix this minor
problem on a $30,000 car...

Thanks for the additional detail.  I might add that if this has
not happened to you, you can be proactive and install an alarm
or keyless entry for very little money, and odds are you will
never have this problem (or so I hope).

| Dan | 
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
ANS Communications 		http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Manhattanville Road                 (914) 701-5378 (voice)
Purchase, NY 10577                      (914) 701-5310 (fax)