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Salt Lake City area q's FS

Passed through SLC's convenient airport this weekend.
Good news, Budweiser has been announced the Official Beer of the 2002 Olympics.
Other items in the Saturday _Trib_:

Ken Garff P/A/VW in Provo (801.355.2277)
has: a '97 A4 1.8tq auto sport, 27
'96 A4 2.8 non-q 5spd, 24
'96 A6q auto, 27
5-count-them-5 '95 90S's, 4 5spds, mid-16s
'91 90 auto, 8

Dave Strong P/A/VW in SLC proper (801.531.9900)
has: (Audi Assured until noted otherwise)
2 '97 A6qw, 35
'97 A6q, 34
2 '97 A4q 2.8, avg. 29
'96 A6qw, 29
2 '96 A4q 2.8, 27
*** '95 S6, black, 37
2 '95 A6qw, avg. 27.5
2 '95 A6q + 1 FWD, 22-25
2 '95 90q, avg 22.5 + 1 90 Sport, 19
'94 100csq, 23
2 '94 90 (CS, S) 16-18.5
*** '93 S4, 25 (no more assured)
'93 100csqw, 23
'92 quattro (coupe? what then?), 18
'91 90q (20v), 11
'89 90q, 8
4 new A8s, along with full line of other '98s (go figure) even a couple cabriolets

No ads from Gutrubus VW/Audi/Chrysler (where my optometrist got his A6q).

private parties have several A4s and 90s along with a
'92 V8 (auto?), CD, white, 45k miles, 801.264.3636 (looks like a dealer now, State Street address)

happy hunting
Henry Harper
1991 200 quattro, 86k, oughta fire that up soon and swap to non-Hakkas
1988 GTI 16v, 174k, bunch of rain today, what's up with that?