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RE: Bear Caves and other dangerous places...
Oh, sure. Trying to tap dance out of the bear cave... That should
work. ;-)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk
> [SMTP:quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 1998 8:41 AM
> To: mendicant@buddhist.com
> Cc: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Bear Caves and other dangerous places...
> In message <l03110724b13eabdc4723@[]> Unka Bart writes:
> > For some strange reason, they bring to my mind the picture of the
> same
> > group who make going to football matches on your side of the pond,
> such an
> > "interesting" experience...
> Y'know, football violence is almost a7n urban myth. I think it's over
> a year
> since I heard of an incident. Amongst the spectators, that is.
> > And speaking of statistics, I can't speak for the UK, but over here
> there
> > are approximately as many folks killed by automobles *each* year as
> we had
> > die in the entire South East Asia War Games (US took the silver).
> We had a nice one today. One of the Scottish universities has
> completed a
> study of road accidents. If a pedestrian is killed by a car in
> Scotland, the
> pedestrian is likely to have a higher alcohol level than the car's
> driver. One
> in three Scottish pedestrians killed on the roads is over the drunk
> driving
> limit.
> And it's a long time since we had bear baiting - most of the good
> subjects have
> gone. Windows has definitely trounced OS/2, and Audis are obviously
> far
> superior vehicles to ovloVs and WMBs ...
> --
> Phil Payne
> UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club