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RE: BEWARE...FS: 91 200 TQW

> Why would something like this fail.. I'm not sure. Anybody have an idea?

Unfortunately, I have some experience with this. My tranny on my 91 200Q
went bad about 6 months ago and I replaced it.

Grinding noise during 1st-2nd gears. Took the car in to the shop. They
pulled the drain plug, which had pieces of a bearing cage stuck to it. No
bearings though. They said that if the bearings got into the diff I was
basically screwed (not sure how they would get into the diff, but anyway),
since the diff "could not be rebuilt".

Oh, by the way, there is someone in the Quattro Marketplace selling a 91
200Q transmission. Asking $1400 (what I paid for mine).

Rob Winchell
91 200Q
87 4kCS

> Finally, I just realized that this could easily be a *great* find for some
> lister out there. I think that the owner probably has realized that he's
> gonna have to put some money into the car that he didn't expect. If
> somebody is still interested in the vehicle, I can get you in touch with
> the owner/seller.  The body was perfect on the car and it looked like she
> kept the interior well.