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WTB: Sunroof deflector

This is a an actual request for a real (IME) hard to find accessory.

(Yes, I'm trying to distract you folks from some of the other threads
out there! <grin>)

I'm trying to find one of the smoked plexiglas sunroof wind deflectors
that was offered as an option by Audi for the 4kq/GT series.  I've
checked with Linda and they are supposedly no longer available.

I've checked the aftermarket, and the only ones that are available use
the cheesy foam tape to glue the thing right to the paint on your roof. 
I want one of the OEM style that uses the little clamps that connect
down inside the sunroof area.

If you know of a dealer who happens to have one on the shelf, or you
have a parts car with one on it and you are looking to sell it, please
let me know!

TIA very much,


Gary G. Erickson         Secretary -- NW Quattro Club
 503-702-5789           mailto:erickson@teleport.com