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V8 flooding

Hey Q-listers:

I have a '90 V8 quattro that has an intermittant problem (it has
happened twice).  After it sits for a while, usually about 2-3 days, I
go out to start it.  It turns over, fires and then dies.  When I try
to restart it, it is obvious that it is flooded and is hard to start. 
It eventually starts, but I'm wondering what is causing this.  It is
due for an O2 sensor (I have 69K on the current one), but other than
that, everything is up to date.  Anyone else have a similar problem? 
Please email directly if possible.

Best Regards,

Douglas P. Glanz (dglanz@yahoo.com)

90 V8 Quattro, 129K
87 Alfa Milano Platinum, 67K (don't flame me if you haven't driven one)
83 Alfa Spider Veloce, 108K
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