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Re: Cops, Valentine One (longish)
Ethan Pinkert wrote:
> Well, he pulled up next to me with the flashers on, got on the microphone,
> and told me to "pull the vehicle over" (I think...it was practically
> impossible to hear exactally what he was saying -- could have been "blah
> blah, scramble wok -- flock"). As soon as I acknowledged (and I couldn't
> really ignore the microphone) he proceeded after the VW Cabriolet in front
> of me.
> I see where you are coming from, but in this situation, he clearly wanted
> both vehicles to stop and not doing so would have put me in a whole world
> of trouble. I really try to make a point of being as nice/compliant/polite
> as possible to cops pulling me over -- this way, I'm likely to catch a
> break...and I did catch a tremendous break this time.
> -Ethan
> --
> At 08:28 AM 3/27/98 -0500, glen powell wrote:
> >
> >Just curious, why did you both pull over?
> >
> >I've had this happen and I will not pull over unless the cop makes a
> >concerted effort to get ME. I will always make it far easier for the cop
> >to pull the other guy over. (this WORKS!) If he really wants ME he is
> >not going to be able to get the other guy. It's me or him but not both.
> >
> >Don't wimp out!
> >
> >-glen
> >
> >Hmmmmm...Here's one that I'm in the process of trying to beat. I got
> >nailed with lidar in CT doing 76 in a 55. There was one other car on the
> >road (in front of me), and he pulled both of us over. He gave us a huge
> >break -- failure to obey a posted sign, $60 no points. Unfortunately
> >insurance doesn't care about the points, its the violation that they'll
> >nail me for and I'll be looking at a 10-20% increase for 3-5 years.
> >
> >Here's the catch...on the ticket, he wrote down the state where the vehicle
> >was registered as PA, not VA. I've never driven a car with PA
> >registration. Think I've got a chance, or should I just suck it up and pay
> >the fine?
> >
> >-Ethan
> >
> >--
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Ethan J. Pinkert
> Software Test and Quality Assurance
> GTE Internetworking, Powered by BBN
> 150 CambridgePark Drive
> Cambridge, Mass. 02140
> phone: (617) 873-4512 fax: (617) 873-5183
> email: epinkert@bbnplanet.com http://www.bbn.com
> -----------------------------------------------------------
Did anybody ever think that the reason he gave ya such a break is
because there isn't any way his observation of both violators and
their "apprehension" would stand up if contested? If you are
ticketed "out of state" you might be more inclined to "send in the
revenue". I am fortunate enough to have some buddies who are Troopers
and they have told me of times they write radar tickets on "Shots
from the rear", such as, they are sitting at the top of the entrance
ramp, you fly by on the highway, passing the on ramp, he comes "down the
ramp" pulls you over and says "70 in a 50". You fold under pressure
because "radar got me".Radar works on the doppler effect.Signal goes
hits you,bounces back,time calculation by the unit based on the
speed of the sender and returning signal. If the target is going away
from the signal source it takes more than one hit to be accurate,easy to
beat in court. I have to say that it's impossible to beat "the system".
However learning to "work within the system" has it's rewards.