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Re: Is Audi listening
This is actually an interesting conundrum. When I went new car shopping 13 years ago I was looking at a
Jetta and a Honda. The salesman bestowed a bit of vision on me that I have never forgotten. He said Honda
tailored their cars to the US market and VW seemed to be doing something different. Being in software on the
R&D side I have become aware over the years that customers do not always have better ideas. A truly good
product will temper a customers wishes with some sort of individual vision that will set you apart in the
market. As with everything in life - Balance!
Dan Simoes wrote:
> > The truth is Audi probably is listening but using a bit of good judgement.
> That's a matter of opinion. Calls to the "club person",
> email via the web page (with promises of replies),
> all have gone unanswered or were very unhelpful
> (a Ms. Klappach informed me that "ve dont need zis lizst")
> They've been here, yes:
> access.09Mar-12AM:gate2.audi.de - - [02/Mar/1998:06:24:07 -0500] "GET /quattro.html HTTP/1.0" 200 9398
> access.09Mar-12AM:gate2.audi.de - - [02/Mar/1998:06:24:07 -0500] "GET /Images/audi.jpg HTTP/1.0" 200 3869
> Not that they care to tell me. They're probably just getting
> ready to slap me with a lawsuit for unauthorized use of
> something or other.
> It's enough to make me want to pull the plug, when I see how
> Saturn was able to embrace a much noisier medium (usenet)
> and how BMW indirectly supports the BMW motorcycle list
> and will field certain questions/problems. (I won't, not yet)
> Audi has their head so far up their proverbial behind it's not
> funny. I was at the local VW/Audi dealer for an open house
> (new Beetle) and I asked the owner about sales. Answer (with
> prodding):
> "A4/6 selling well but the Avants are not moving. No idea when
> we will see the S4 or the 1.8tq avant.)
> I could have told them that the Avant is overpriced and they
> should be competing with the Outback in the same price range.
> It doesn't take a genius to see that enthusiasts want vehicles
> that are not sold here. But hey, if they want an overpriced
> line of slow, bloated luxobarges, that's their problem.
> When my wife asked me what my ideal job would be, I answered
> something like "being in charge of Audi's marketing/focus groups,
> organizing and attending enthusiast events, holding clinics,
> finding out what people want in their cars and making it happen,
> maybe with some online aspect as well." That job doesn't
> exist at Audi, and I don't think it ever will.
> Hmm, maybe I'll see if BMW wants me - they're just over the
> bridge from me...
> | Dan |
> --
> Dan Simoes dans@ans.net
> ANS Communications http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
> 100 Manhattanville Road (914) 701-5378 (voice)
> Purchase, NY 10577 (914) 701-5310 (fax)