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how do they mount trailer hitches to 200 qs in europe?

Does anyone have any experiance with trailer hitches in Europe?

I installed a Delan hitch on my old (wrecked) 200 qw, and it was no good 
three reasons:

The main cross memeber hung below the valance panal
It required the removal of the tie town loop
The exhaust hit it.

Turns out that even Delan does not really recomend using their hitch on any 
of the turbo cars, cause they know the exhaust will hit.

I have seen in Europe that the hitches are hidden nicely behind the valance 
panel, and just the ball sticks out. If I knew how they attached thos 
buggers to
the car, I could design up my own version, and make one that takes an 
american style receiver.

Any euro listers ever installed a hitch on their car?

