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Re: Audi's attitudes...
Gen Kanai <gkanai@earthlink.net> writes:
>>Subject: Audi's attitudes...
>>Hey folks,
>>Coming out of the luker's corner - but this discussion on AoA and Audi and
>>their attitudes has been very interesting...
>Working at a large Asian car company in Los Angeles, specifically in the
>interactive/web/internet area, I can tell you that certainly "we" in the
>corporate sense do not know what the hell is going on out there on usenet,
[stuff snipped]
Most companies in general are clueless about the relative importance of the
Internet and its effect on their business. The Pentium snafu was the first
early warning of this effect...
I've done two Internet-related product launches and each time, I've had
someone tasked with monitoring usenet. At the first company, we hosted our
own discussion list for customers.
With specific regards to cars...I run a list for one of the Swedish cars,
and I *do* have 2 people from corporate on the list. For the most part they
lurk and listen. They take their lumps every now and then...and they also
provide useful information from time to time.
I would not hesitate to state that the feedback from the SwedishBricks
mailing list gets back to headquarters in Rockleigh or back to mgt in
Sweden. I also have several of the senior management of the premier
aftermarket performance suppliers on the list. They're keeping their finger
on the pulse of their market...
Personally, I think that the right person from Audi *could* be invited to
join this list. Don't know who it would be, but some snooping and an invite
would be a start. That having been said, it's up to Dan whether he *wants*
a company person on the list, and what their expected role should be.
Listener only? Participant? Official factory spokesperson?
Shoot, if what Audi needs is market research, I'll put together a monthly
summary of issues for them in a nice printed package. :)
Methinks there's a market opportunity here to help companies better
understand and leverage the Internet...