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Re: 1991 10v engine info needed
> As I've mentioned, I bought a 1991 10v engine to put in my '87 >quat. I know there are some differences between it and what I took >out. I know it uses a K-24 turbo, I bought that as well.
Yes, K24 Turbo, different camshaft, dual knock sensors, MAC14 ECU with
slightly different wiring harness. It uses a different cam, crank, and
water pump gears and a "super torque" timing belt design. It uses a
different timing belt idler pulley. Different valve cover gasket than
the earlier MC engines.
> What is the compression ratio?
8:4 to 1
> What are the factory specified spark plugs? (It had Bosch tri-electrodes in it)
Those are the correct plugs.
> Is the horsepower the same as the '87?
Horsepower is rated as the same, according to the SAE article on the
early MC engine with 7:8 to 1 compression ratio, shows 158 HP @ 5500
RPM, with regular fuel, 162HP for the premium fuel use. The torque
output is different in the lower RPM range for the later high
compression MC engine, but I don't have any numbers to relate. The same
SAE article shows the early MC to have the torque at 3000 RPM to be
177ft/lbs when using Premium fuel and 166 ft/lbs for regular fuel.
> Anything else I should know (but can't remember to ask)?
The air flow metering assembly is different on the late 8:4 to 1
compression MC versus the earlier MC engine. The late shows a bosch part
number of 0 438 121 064, the early MC uses a 0 438 121 053 air flow
meter. I have not yet compared the two air flow metering assemblies to
understand the differences.
The fuel distributors for both are the same bosch part number but the
later MC engine uses a different fuel pressure regulator outside the
fuel distributor and it has a plug in place where the earlier fuel
distributor has the regulator plunger/spring/shims etc.
Scott Mo.
1989 200TQ
1988 5000TQ
1966 VW Bug