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Re: Buyer Beware

You obviously had dealings with an honours graduate from the 'dog eat dog'
school of business ethics. There are a lot of them about ; I have
encountered them with a vengeance in past business dealings with some (I
have to say, mainly American-based) corporations and from bitter experience
will never again assume that these kind of people will honour *anything*
unless it is backed by a cast iron, unambiguous written contract. They will
rip the shirt off your back if you let them get through the tiniest chink in
your contractual armour. It is a sad way to conduct one's life ; it is sad
when it spreads into personal dealings and it ultimately leads to a society
which is rotting morally from the top down. Sermon over.

I had the opposite experience once - was selling a VW Type 2 Westfalia
Camper and very reluctantly was haggled down 10% on the price. I had told
the buyer about every conceivable fault and gave him a considerable amount
of maintenance literature etc.. When he came with the money, to my
astonishment he came with the extra 10%, saying that, on reflection, he had
felt rather ashamed with himself for haggling about such a genuine vehicle
and he now thought  the vehicle was worth the full price so he would pay me
it !!

Were that everyone (including me !) was like that person.........


Cumbria, UK.