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Tornado...Tell a friend!
No, this is not an ad for "Tornado...under the hood"!
But, I know a while back a few people on the list were wanting to know
about this product (which you can find ads for in the back of almost any auto
magazine) and whether it did what it says. If you don't know what this is, it
is a fan that plugs into your intake system and is supposed to give you "more
horsepower", "increased gas milage", and other assorted promises.
I was wondering about it to. While I happened to be looking through the
April issue of C&D magazine, they had a long-term test report on a BMW 540i
in it. Well, it turns out our friends at C&D decided to install one of these
Tornado gismos on thier 540i and put it to the test!
They measured hoursepower, torque, and fuel economy before it was installed
and then they repeated these figures after the Tornado had been installed.
They found that the horsepower and torque were IDENTICAL both before and after!
So much for promises! And, the gas milage (both highway and city) was also
IDENTICAL to what it was before the Tornado was installed! So, this is
obviously some sort of joke, which apparently sells well. If you still want
one they are $75, but it seems you might as well just burn your money. It's
probably more fun too.
I thought y'all might find this interesting. No law or slander suits
please. Thanks.