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RE: Power Output
1.8 Bar is 1.8 bar no matter what the temp. At higher temps, the turbo
has to work harder to get 1.8 bar because the barometric pressure of the
outside air is lower.
I guess the old anology, "which is lighter, one pound of feathers or one
pound of lead". Well, neither, they are both one pound. But the pound
of feathers will take up WAY more space.
That make sense? I am not the say all, know all, so I may be off a little
on this but if my Flight lessens taught me anything about the way air
works, I should be right.
I think that the volume of air might be different though. Hence, people
use intercoolers to force more air in. Cools the air, makes it more
dense, so more enters engine but at same pressure. That might be the
power difference you are feeling. I know airplanes have huge differences
in top speed and climb rate at higher temperatures. Cool mornings or
winter is the best time to fly an underpowered plane. Much smotter to
Anyhow, hope that was of help. L8R
Todd Phenneger aka: Zarati
1984 4000s quattro / New Red Paint
2.5" Borla SS Exhaust / Boge Turbo Gas Shocks
15" Wheels & 205/50 ZR15 Bridgestone RE-71s
Considering a Turbo Conversion :)