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Re: audi.com email

In article <199804011937.OAA29795@titan.purch.ans.net>,
Dan Simoes <dans@ans.net> wrote:
> Actually, audi.com does exist:
> <</home/dans:dans >> host -t mx audi.com
> audi.com                MX      ahu003.abh.vw.com
> audi.com                MX      ahv005.abh.vw.com
> As per the headers above, it's legit, so dammit, where are
> my keys?

Looks to me like it was actually sent through the Audi/VW mail
server.  Here is a test message I sent myself through the same server
(via telnet to the SMTP port).

    From shields@tembel.org Thu Apr 02 05:52:19 1998
    Return-Path: <shields@tembel.org>
    Delivered-To: shields+tembel@daedalus.crosslink.net
    Received: (qmail 1007 invoked from network); 2 Apr 1998 05:52:16 -0000
    Received: from sasquatch.crosslink.net (
      by daedalus.crosslink.net with SMTP; 2 Apr 1998 05:52:16 -0000
    Received: (qmail 4373 invoked after rewrite); 2 Apr 1998 05:52:18 -0000
    Received: (qmail 4370 invoked from network); 2 Apr 1998 05:52:17 -0000
    Received: from ahv005.abh.vw.com (
      by sasquatch.crosslink.net with SMTP; 2 Apr 1998 05:52:17 -0000
    Received: from xx.yy.zz (daedalus.crosslink.net)
     by ahv005.abh.vw.com (PMDF V5.1-7 #26546)
     with SMTP id <01IVDIK16R9C91JZWG@ahv005.abh.vw.com> for shields@tembel.org;
     Thu, 2 Apr 1998 00:54:19 EST
    Message-id: <01IVDIKCC74I91JZWG@ahv005.abh.vw.com>
    MIME-version: 1.0
    Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN
    From: shields@tembel.org
    To: shields@tembel.org
    Subject: xxxxx
    Date: Thu, 02 Apr 1998 00:54:19 -0500 (EST)
    Date-warning: Date header was inserted by ahv005.abh.vw.com


Mr Forger, nice touch.  Mr Audi Postmaster, please disable relaying on
your mail server before the spammers find it.
['86 Coupe GT]