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Sellin' Cars

A word about selling cars - since I did this while earning my 
master's degree, and have also made a living (altho not much of one) 
selling radio advertising.

I was fortunate to work in a smaller town @18,000 with a slightly 
larger town (@26,000) 8 miles away.  I worked for a family-owned 
Chevy/Olds/VW dealership.

Although it's true that many people inherently distrust car dealers, 
and especially car salesmen, but it is a real advantage to work for a 
dealership which has been owned by the same people for a while, and 
which is viewed as stable by the community.  Although I certainly met 
my share of jerks, overall I thought it was a reasonable way to earn 
a living.  I fortunately was in the Pacific NW and didn't have to 
deal with brusque manner so commmon to the NE.

If you've been at a dealership for a while and really take care of 
your customers (I told them sincerely that I wanted to know ANYtime 
their car was in for service so I could check on it...) you will 
build up repeat customers and those folks will send their friends to 
you.  Over time, this results in having a MUCH more pleasant group of 
people to deal with, and a group which trusts you.

I've said many times that I was selling cars when I went to work for 
a university, and I'll go back to it if I need to.  I'd much rather 
sell cars than radio time...at least everyone understands when they 
need a car!


Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      