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BTDT's on V8 taillights
steve sez:
>You can see before/after pictures at
after looking at your ur taillights and comparing to my euros:
- the euros are more integrated looking since the amber section is
continued across the top half. i hadn't noticed this difference
previously, but i rarely get to see other tqw's.
- the euro center section is one piece with a german plate-sized opening
(surprise!), connected at the top with a narrow (~1") amber strip and at the
bottom with a narrow red strip. i have noticed this difference before,
of course, since it effectively hides the top inch of my plate.
ps - i wasn't clear about it but i assume you used the v8 lock cylinder
merely as a filler and the latch mechanism is still from the center
to: IN:stephenm@ix.netcom.com
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net