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Re: Photo Radar
I have a couple of comments on this since they have photo-radar in Oregon.
1. Removing your front license plate will NOT work. The photo-radar vans
have cameras for front and rear.
Here in Oregon they are set for photographing vehicles that are only
about 5mph over the posted speed.
I had one flash at me front and rear for less than 10mph over. Oddly
enough my face was obscured ;-) No
ticket received after several months, so it probably won't happen.
2. If you are paying attention, you will see the van WAY before you are
within range of the radar since it is a
low power unit. I have passed two of these units so far and both times,
if I had wanted to, I could have
stopped completely before I was in range had I been so inclined. YMMV
Mike Loeks
-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Amoroso <famoroso@sprintmail.com>
To: audi-s-cars <audi-s-cars@emailsol.com>; Audi quattro list
Date: Wednesday, April 01, 1998 8:31 PM
Subject: Photo Radar
>Well Boulder has started a 9 month photo radar pilot program. Any BTDT's on
>combating this decidedly un-American convention?