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Re: The end. (of the Q)

Glad to hear you are OK, Brooks. Sorry about your q. Don't try this stunt in
your average rice grinder!

Fred Munro
'91 200q  248k km

-----Original Message-----
From: Brooks Ellis <brooks@frii.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: Saturday, April 04, 1998 12:34 AM
Subject: The end. (of the Q)

>Such a tragic day I had at a point not far in the past... I was driving
>home (after partying all night, and not sleeping for 30 hours prior to)
>along a route I take quite frequently. Ahh, the nice warm waterbed at
>home... Some coffee...
>TREEESXZ!!! Rushing by me on either side! What the @#$*@~!?!? Quick, get
>out of here!
>But before I could, one of the little trees big brother beat me up, and
>brought my '90 100Q to a point of sudden deceleration! The big brother tree
>smashed my engine compartment, and crushed a couple cylenders in the
>engine; broke everything foreward of the back seat.
>Thus, The End.
>Alls I can say, is I'm glad Audi's are pretty safe, as I was doing ~50-60
>without a seatbelt, and only recieved a couple scratches from the airbag
>blowing up. I just crawled out the drivers side window, smoked a cigarette,
>and said "Son of a bitch.".
>Well, enough Story Time and Audi Praise - I have a problem (other than no
>The Insurance company wants to give me $5600 for my car, the '90 100 Q,
>sunroof, heated seats, metallic finish, all records of service, and a few
>miles over 'normal' - 116k. Otherwise, no problems whatsoever.
>There's no way I can get a comperable Audi for that, so I need to 'show' or
>prove that it was worth more than they are suggesting.  I have called a
>couple dealers, but the salespeople I've talked to WILL NOT give me a list
>of _Actual Selling Prices_ (not asked). They're real slippery around that
>subject. Unfortunatly, the Insurance co. feels that they have the actual
>selling prices of similar cars, and have picked the lowest ones.
>They are comparing my '90 100 Q to one '89 and two '90 200 NON-Q's, with
>auto. trannys. ?! Apples and oranges? And little bears too?
>So, I am basically screwed if I can't get more $$ for it. I can either
>walk, or buy some sort of rice grinder. Boo hoo. I'm crying. Sob. Sob.
>If you can give me any advice regarding such, I would -GREATLY- appriciate
>it.  A WHOLE LOT.