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Re: '89 200TQ intermittant no-start/running like h

igor sez:
>frankbauer@thevine.net wrote:
>> i had mine strapped down with a wire tie for a couple of years.
>> i finally bought and installed a new housing.
>Where did you buy it, Frank?
>My fiche does not show this plastic housing as a stand alone part.

my fiche shows part number 035 905 331B and calls it a "bush".
(this is illustration 155 from the 86-88 type 44q fiche)
this is for distrib part no 035 905 206AF.
my receipt, however, shows part number 035 905 331 and calls it a "housing".
i got it for $3.48 plus tax from dealer parts last october...\


to: IN:four.rings@MCIONE.com
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net