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Re: compare this what?

By no means do I think that any car should not by pushed to it's limits during
testing. My point was that when considering purchasing an A8, I do not think a
prospective buyer would would say, "It's comfortable, but it just doesn't drive
like my 911." If I was in the market for such an expensive car, I would choose the
A8q because of the quattro system plain and simple. Cleveland is just too wintry
for a rear drive sled. Well, realy I'd buy it because it's an Audi and I've had
Audis since I learned to drive.


QSHIPQ wrote:

> Not so bad exploring the limits, makes for better 7/10ths driving don't you
> think?  Make a good car at the limit in the luxury market, satisfaction is
> high.  Comfy is fine too, but we are talking the creme here, not a barge.
> Sport Sedan or Luxury Sedan.  I think the list here was the former.  The
> numbers might dictate that might have been loftier for some than others.
> Scott