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RE:Explain UFO brakes please.
<<I tried checking the archives for an explaination but it seems to be<<
<<malfunctioning at the moment. What's the deal with the UFO brakes? I reall
<<hope you're not refering to the twin piston calipers which I have on my 87
<><5Kq which Bentley says "...appear on some '87 models."
<<Thank you and sorry to waste everyone else's time.
UFO brakes are the brakes that are found on the Audi V8 and S4. They are
strange in that the caliper is bolted on the INSIDE by the hub, and the disc
is on the outside. It is a very strange set up, but Audi claimed that this
system increased braking surface by 10% or something like that. I have a pic
of them somewhere around here. The down side is that parts and service on
these things are pretty crazy. Most smart people have retrofitted their cars
to the regular disc setup to save them from having to buy rotors and pads from
the dealer at higher that solid gold prices.
/\ _I Christian J. Long (& Breeze Heller - soon to be wife!)
/ \ I_I I_I I Orlando, Florida, USA
University of Central Florida Alumni 1994
'98 Audi A4 1.8T looking tough with 225/50-16
'96 BMW 318ti no mods yet....
'90 Audi 90 Still in the family
Past Audis: '84 CGT, '85CGT, '87.5 CGT, '90 CQ