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RE: High Idle on a '84 Ur-q w/'88 MC Motor (WHY)
There are a couple of other things that bypass the throttle plate ...
perhaps one of them has failed. The auxiliary Air Regulator is supposed
to be open only when the engine is cold, and has a heated, bimetallic
mechanism that causes it to open and close. The other thing is the
valve that increases the idle speed when the A/C is running. Let me go
out to the car ... the AAR is bolted to the back end of the intake
manifold, while the other valve is slightly behind it and to the left
(as viewed from the grille) and is attached to a metal extension that
comes off the strut tower. Pinch off one of the lines going to each of
these things and see if that doesn't make the idle decrease.
BTW, if you find your idle speed creeps up over time, it is probably the
idle speed screw backing out. They have a very funky seal on the screw,
which is not available separately ... and the screw itself goes for
something like $10-15! I used a bit of anti sieze on the threads to
make it less likely to turn (grease would probably work too).
Good luck!
Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)
> ----------
> From: Sonar465[SMTP:Sonar465@aol.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 1998 8:56 AM
> To: QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: High Idle on a '84 Ur-q w/'88 MC Motor (WHY)
> This past Saterday I had my Ur-q Inspected (NY State) and the
> technition
> played with the screw on top of plenum. This morning on the way to
> work all
> of a sudden the idle crepted up to 3500RPM. I checked the throttle
> cable and
> it seems ok, the throttle closes all the way. I turned the screw all
> the
> closed and it brought the idle down to @2250RPM, but so far no less
> than that.
> Any ideas on what is going on here. First the clutch on my 5Ktq then
> the
> linkage on the Ur-q and now the idle, what did I do to the Audi Gods
> to
> deserve this all of a sudden. Well the Gods have been very good to me
> for the
> last 4 years so I guess my time is up. Thanks for your time.
> Cheers,
> Jim