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Cheapo brake bleeder (revised)...

>>Perhaps we can summarize the procedure for building a brake bleeder
>>once and for all?  I've seen the metal cap at www.ultimategarage.com,
>>but a free spare brake fluid reservoir cap beats $30 for a metal
>>one.  I got a boltin tire valve (Camel) for $1.50 at Pep Boys,
>>and I think that's all I need - set compressor to 20psi, drain and
>>refill reservoir with clean fluid, pressurize and bleed.  Right?
>Yep ... except that I first run the pressure hose to a specially modified
cap that mounts on the brake fluid >bottle and run a hose from there to a
blow-gun so I can control it from under the car. This way, I'm able to
>bleed *both* front or rear wheels without climbing out from under the car
and topping off the MC reservoir.
>BTW, I also use only 10 psi instead of 20 psi ... it takes a bit longer but
there's less chance of blowing a >tired seal in the MC.

I just realized Dan said "tire valve" ... I actually used the male half of a
quick-disconnect coupler, ran a tap through the cap and sealed it in place
with some RTV on top and bottom.  It looks rather ugly but didn't cost me
anything since I already had the parts on hand ... btw, I also used a BMW MC
cap!  I knew those cars would turn out to be good for something someday...  ;^)

    _                _
   / |      _| o    | \       _| o  Jeffrey Goggin
  /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |  audidudi@mindspring.com
 /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| |  http://www.mindspring.com/~audidudi/