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Ignition coil specs
Hi Audiphiles:
I have a question regarding some specs for the ignition coil for a 5 cyln
GT Coupe engine (KX) . The Bentey manual for the 4000 series only lists
specs for the 4 cyln engine. I guess the 5 cyln specs could be the same
but I wanted to check before I replace the coil (it doesn't meet 4 cyln
spec) . My measurements for the coil are:
high tension to negative contact: 6000 ohms (4 cyln spec is ~ 2500
+/- 500 ohms)
positive to negative contact: 1.2 ohms (spec is ~0 .6 +/-
0.1 ohms)
The specs I have listed are from memory but I was defnitely out of spec
when I took the measurements. Anyone know if the a 5 cyln coil would be
different. ?
BTW, the coil is a Japanese brand, not Bosch. Did Audi ever use a
Japanese coil as OEM ? Anyone have any recommendations for an aftermarket
coil if my coil is indeed defective. Thanks.
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