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RE: Why do YOU own an Audi?
I got sick of driving my Ford Aspire (Expire?). I didn't want to spend
more than $10,000 for another car. I was looking for a sports sedan. I
drove a few cars, including a 1989 BMW 750iL. The Audi was at least
9/10's of any car I drove, and consistantly 3 to 5 times cheaper. Plus,
Q-List mechanic Mike Rooney's shop is 2 blocks from my work. I paid
$2,000 for a clean car (Bimmer was $13,000, not very clean). Super glad
I bought it. Now I got extra money to make it a REALLY nice car. New
stereo, performance mods, etc. And I haven't had a car I LOVE in years.
And for some reason, I have fallen in love with this thing...
Gary M. Lewis
1986 5000 CS Turbo 5 Speed 194,000 miles (and counting...)
> ----------
> From: audidudi@mindspring.com[SMTP:audidudi@mindspring.com]
> Sent: Thursday, April 09, 1998 9:15 PM
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Why do YOU own an Audi?
> With all this BMW v. Audi talk going on, I got to thinking: Why do I
> now own
> Audis (an '89 200q as well as an '85 Ur-Q, not to mention a 4k
> racecar-in-training) when I used to own BMWs and quite happily so at
> that?
> I have my ideas about this but would like to hear someone else's first
> ...
> anyone?
> ______________________________________________________________________
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> / | _| o | \ _| o Jeffrey Goggin
> /__| | | / | | __ | | | | / | | audidudi@mindspring.com
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