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RE: 4000S Quattro Exhaust System

Call blufurgnugen sp??.  They have the whole system for ~$300.  Have it 
installed for 30-50 and you should be way ahead.  Or have a custom one built 
and get a little performance also.  2 1/2" cat back will do fine.  Remove the 
center with a well baffled rear and you will be in buisness with much better 
throttle response and a little more high end power.  This should only put you 
back 3-400.
Pat Martin
864000csq turbo, 2 1/2 cat back, H&R-Boge, MC and loving it.  Drilled rotors 
stopping it. Koenig Cobra 16x7 with AVS Intermediates turning it,  K&N and 
95 subaru legacy 
Bothell, Wa

Can anybody suggest a good source for an aftermarket exhaust
system for my 1985 4000S Quattro?  For the price I was quoted
at a local Midas shop, I think I should be able to purchase
an upgraded system and install it myself.  I got the definite
feeling that I was being gouged because it's an Audi.  I'm
certain I saw the mechanic break into a broad grin when I
pulled up in front of the shop.  Yes, I know you get what you
pay for, but I would like to shop around first.