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Why *I* drive an Audi...

Jeffrey Goggin writes:
The reason I brought this up in the first place is because it just dawned on
me the other night that I've got nowhere to go with Audi from here ... NONE
of their cars from '92 forward appeal to me!  All the ones with V6 power are
slugs (sorry, but it's true); the S-series cars are a) out of my price range
and b) more luxury car than performance sedan, which is exactly the opposite
of what I prefer, and even the new A4 doesn't ring many of my bells -- IMHO,
it's too sluggish and too soft.  Besides, with Audi's increasing popularity,
they appear to be holding their value too well and given my limited
financial resources, this is moot regardless.

I agree Jeff.  The one exception I would make is for the A4 1.8t with the
sports package.  IMHO, in the U.S., Audi's designs in the mid and late 80s
were generally forward looking, a great cross between performance and
practicality, and thanks to a bad rep and, frankly, poor reliability - CHEAP
on the used market.  Audi was superior to BMW here.  I think the tables have
turned in the 90s.  Although not cheap (new or used), BMW seems to make the
true drivers car here in the states.  The aftermarkert reflects this along
with the reviews.

Matt Pfeffer - 89 200TQW - Stage II