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RE: Why *I* drive an Audi...
All this talk about 'why' has caused me to wax sentimental. So
if you are tired of this thread, hit the delete, page down,
whatever is in your arsenal, now.
As a young lad...let's see now, that was about 100 years
ago...no, no...50 years ago...anyway, as a young lad I pined for
a fun car. I went through the american car line-up and there
just wasn't any joy in them. I lost a friend figurin' he could
go around corners faster than the car could. I finally ended up
with a 69 Datsun 1600. Now don't be flamin' me here, I'm only
mentioning the name because this was a fun car, a big go-cart
with a couple of seats. Baby blue convert (with the clamp on
hard top) that the ladies thought was cool. Like one of those
British imports only with good electrics and gearboxes, etc.,
couple of SU carbs...you know. Now that car could go around
corners. Had to watch the back end though if you got frisky.
Now one of these ladies caught my eye (still does for that
matter), one thing led to another and we got kids online. Have
to dump the fun car, buy a house...etc. The interim part is this
car, that car. Sure, there was a K-car. That was the cheapest
car to fix, damn scary to drive though. Had some friends who
were more fortunate than I in the monetary department, got to
drive everything they had which came down to MB's, BMW's and
Audi's. I liked them all. "One day..." sez I.
My 5kq is a nice car, a driver's car, a passenger's car. It ain't
no turbo (that's next) but you keep the revs over 4k and you can
get some spirit out of it. It's a high end car that you can get
at a reasonable cost 'used.' Reasonable, h***, cheap! It's now
an eleven year old car that still looks good (I like that wedge
shape...big butt an all...don't ask me why). I have always
worked on cars as a hobby so I don't mind putting a little extra
effort in for this car. It's all I can afford. If I had the
bucks I'd go for the 'sport.'
There are a lot of good people on this list, and I think that
even if I didn't drive around in an Audi, I would check in just
to see how you are all doing.
No tears yet? Okay, I will get off on a lighter note. Brooks
Ellis (I think) posted recently about the old fall asleep
routine. My story...
I did the same thing coming down a long straight stretch of road
at about 4 AM. Missed the corner at the end and woke up staring
at a tree in front of me. Clipped that one off , got the next
one off centre which started me spinnin' through the air.
Fortunately there were no more trees but I came down hard on the
rear-end with a crunch and started doing 360's and finally came
to a stop. I got out of the car and realized I was in a corn
field, sat down to ponder my fate. I see a light and hear a dog
barking coming toward me. The dog comes up, sniffs me out, and
starts licking my face. Soon after the light arrives in the hand
of a farmer and he asks me if I'm all right, and I sez I think
Farmer sez, "what are you doing up so early boy, the cows ain't
ready for milkin'."
I start to laugh and realize that I probably have a couple of
broken ribs.
Farmer shines the flashlight out toward the trees and sez...
"You know, I've been meaning to trim that hedge out front, an' I
think you got the height just about right."
Man had no mercy.
Geo, lucky in love.