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Re: 5ktq Starter - rebuild comments

At 12:38 PM 02/04/98 , you wrote:
>Since I bought my car (10k miles ago now) the starter solenoid has not always
>pulled in thus the started motor never engages the flywheel. I have "lived

I had my starter rebuilt a year ago, and have been very happy with the results. I forget exactly what the rebuild cost (85.00 parts and labour) , but I do remember CLEARLY that it was a fraction of anything that Audi had to offer.

         The most important aspect, I think, is to go to an electrical shop that has a very good reputation. I lucked out. We have a very good rebuilder here in town.

Other than that, a starter rebuild is not that difficult; I've rebuilt about a dozen altenators and starters (mostly Bosch). Always clean everything!, renew brushes, bushings and/or bearings. Bring the starter coil to the electrical shop and have them check out and clean brush contact surfaces, etc.. Use proper lubricants on reassembling and use a small dab of locktite on all screws/nuts/bolts - don't forget washers. For starters, I always double check that ground straps are good and that the finished enclosure is sealed tight - ie. no water,dust or dirt will creep in. Painting is optional but it helps against rust and makes the job more professional.

hope this helps.