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Re: A6 Avant (Re: Audi at the NY Auto Show)
I would love to try one at sea level. At altitude, the power is really not
good enough. On I-70 heading up to the Colorado ski areas I would be the
victim of all those kind sport ute drivers who like to pass on the right
and cut in front (spraying the usual gravel and rocks) if there is more
than 0.5 car lengths between me and the next vehicle. No Thanks! Audi
paint is good, but not that good... Too bad because I know the A6 Avant
will be a nicer car than the ovloV.
Ralph Poplawsky
At 06:24 AM 4/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Osman Parvez wrote:
>> I had another chance to drive the A6 tonight to show a customer. There are
>> huge improvements with the 30v head. The old engine made 172hp, the new one
>> makes 200hp. But it's not just a number improvement. The improvement is
>> noticeable at all speeds. I don't think it is as power deficient as you
>> think. It isn't the knock you in the seat feel of a chipped turbo
>> but it's still a big improvement. My $0.02.
>Ditto. I drove the new A6, and it not all that bad. I noticed a difference
>(naturally) over my V-6. The power is certainly adequate. Some might say more
>than adequate.
>IMHO, "don't knock it until you've tried it"... the overall driving
>in the new A6 is wonderful... a beautiful car indeed. IMHO, the sum total...
>the whole package... is more important than just one component. In other
>power isn't everything... (i.e. IMHO, a 3-series BMW might perform better
>some Audis, but the interior fit, finish, and feel is much cheaper...
making me
>feel less "special" about driving the car).
>Just my $.05 worth...
> Jim Griffin
> ICQ # 1315286
> JGriff@pobox.com
> http://pobox.com/~jgriff
> http://wwp.mirabilis.com/1315286
>'92 Audi 100S - '87 VW Quantum Syncro
> "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
> ------------------OOOO------------------