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RE: Seat R&R

Sorry for my previous post.  Wasted BW.  I got this seconds after I sent
my E-Mail...

Gary M. Lewis
1986 5000   CS Turbo 5 Speed   194,000 miles (and counting...)

> ----------
> From: 	Alex Rosser[SMTP:lxrosser@necro.ugcs.caltech.edu]
> Sent: 	Monday, April 13, 1998 10:48 AM
> To: 	quk@isham-research.demon.co.uk
> Cc: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: 	Re: Seat R&R 
> In message <6959@isham-research.demon.co.uk>you write:
> > Yup - four others have given me much the same reply.
> That's what happens when I don't read e-mail for a couple of days... I
> get
> behind.
> > But - why weren't they used first time around?  Does the upholstery
> > industry not know about them?  I can see the great convenience of
> zip
> > ties (which we call cable ties) but is there really going to be
> another
> > 150k of durability?
> I'm making a guess here... When the seat is first built the advantage
> of hog
> rings would be that they make their own holes in the seat material
> when
> they're installed(as I'm sure you noticed, those things are *sharp*).
> One
> step: Install the hog ring. To use zip ties they'd need to do two
> steps:
> Punch the holes in the seat material, then install the zip tie. 
> When you do the R&R, you've already got the holes punched. 
> I'd expect the zip tie will outlast whatever you opened up the seat to
> fix...
> and that's all that really matters, no?
> > A pox on concourses, BTW.  I drove a concourse winner at Chatsworth
> > last year - the engine ran like a dog and it wasn't properly
> aligned.
> > Wrong priorities for me.
> You mean you don't think cleaning your car is more fun than driving
> it?
> You want to get a real antipathy for concours people? Try buying a
> high
> milage 911 for use as an autocross platform. It's fun explaining to
> people
> you'd pay the 75% price premium they're asking for their garage queen,
> but
> you plan to put on 15K+ miles a year and gut the interior.
> -Alex
>  1971 Volvo 142E		1994 Volvo 944T
>  1987 Porsche 911 Targa		1986 Audi 4000cs Quattro