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Re: Synthetic (Huw's question)

Yes and yes. Grabbing oil for nothing is theft. It is also an employee perk
when (place company here) pays less than 10 cents above minimum wage to
people who work 60 hour weeks. The only thing in that store that isn't
giving them a huge profit is spark plug sales, I don't buy pay for those
either. I'd rather buy my buddy a 12-pack for about $10 than give $30 to a
wrong-part-supplier any day. Believe me, this supplier is the king of
WRONG-PARTS! His/her boss knows things are getting swiped but doesn't get
upset as long as inventory isn't off more than .5% per year.  When prices
are high enough to make me feel guilty ( because of folks without
"connections" ) I use his at-cost price. Very convinient.
From:  dgrady@ct2.nai.net