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re: about switching to synthetic<>oil pan upgrade question

>>>I wonder if it might be better to slowly introduce synthetic to an 
car a little bit at a time, maybe a half a quart to the rest 
That way, the cleaning factor wont be everything all at once, but the 
deposits might have a chance to be removed slowly.

I don't know if this would work, but it's just something I was thinking.  

In my experiences with synthetic, I've always just filled it up and 
"shocked" the darn thing.  My old Coupe GT became pretty leaky, including 

but not limited to the valve cover gasket.<<<

I did just that Keith.  My introduction was over the course of about 9k 
miles.  At the first oil change, I added 1 qt. synth. to 4 qts. dino.  
Second change, two qts. synth and three qts. dino.  I then went from 3 
qts. synth. to five qts. synth., and have been running it in my '89 200q 
with no problems.  In my '86 5kt, I run a blend of 2 qts. synth.  
Militec-1 gets added every year.
