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Headlights still available

Friends, I thought these were sold - but not quite.  So the 
following headlights are still available:

For Sale: US model (2-light) headlights from a 1987 5000 Quattro.
These are the large headlights with the slanted interior edge.  
They are in good shape and perfect for replacing damaged headlights.
These lights will fit ALL quattros with existing slant-sided lights.
These lights will fit ALL 5K-100-200 models from 1984-90 *provided*
that you install a Quattro-style grille at the same time, and the 
whole deal (grille, lights, side marker lights) is a bolt-in.

I have only ONE side marker light which comes with these headlights; 
this is the right light.  The left is missing and replacements are 
available for about $70 (probably less if you shop around).

I originally asked $150, but I had an offer at $100 and accepted it 
(plus the buyer plays shipping) for a quick sale.  Since the sale 
went away, I'll take $100!  Please contact me directly.

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      