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Re:quote for repainting 200, help!

Yes sir, that wouid be just about right.
I own a body shop in Utah (Technibody) specializing in Porsche, Audi and VW
repair. If your top coat is bad you must sand it completely or strip it so the
no finish will have proper adhesion. If you try to save some $ you will get
exactly what you pay for.
A new paint job will only be as good as what you put it over. So beware and
cough up the big bucks so your Audi's finish will last as long as the car.
Also alot of the labor would by in dismantling the car and the drip rail
mouldings should be replace also since they can't be R&I'ed without
The belt mouldings may need to be replaced, the deck lid emblem should be
replace with a new part, not just glued on. Most of the time the lower door
moulding need to be replaced especially on the passenger side where they catch
grass and curbs and get bent.

Steve Holmes
91 200 20vTQ