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4ksq Throwout Bearing Replacement

In message <933713F1FB7BD111AC2300A0C98F1AD1775125@milxpr06.kla-tencor.com> "Buchholz, Steven" writes:

> I thought about suggesting this when I wrote my response the other day.
> If we were talking about a turbo there'd be no question ... but on an NA
> equipped car I don't think its worth the cost of 8 flywheel bolts, the
> new style seal and gasket to do this ... unless of course you do see oil
> (not clutch fluid) inside the bellhousing ...

> Now watch ... my '85 now will lose the oil seal in a way that will
> require me to replace it!

I was allowing for crankcase pressures to be rising in an older engine.

As you say, though - it's a toss-up.  Personally ...

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
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