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From: "Dupree, Robert A." <rdupree@Sidley.com>

Hey All!  I'm installing a replacement radio for our very own Mr Pfeffer but
I have run into a problem.  The DIN space in the dash seems to be a little
smaller than the DIN standard.  In the rectangular opening in the dash it
appears to have small embedded plastic rails that are preventing the
installation of the Sony mounting can.

Has anyone got some BTDT experience with the solution to this?  My best
guess is to take a file to these inner rails, but I'm hoping for something

Bob Dupree

Shux, friend, I got me a medium-coarse 3'4" wide file and it took 
about 5 minutes of caareful work to delete those rails.  Just get a 
medium-coarse file and go to it!!

You can custom-fit the hole so the radio slides in tight - but can be 
removed by pulling hard.  Mighty convenient!

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      