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S2 General Questions

In message <199804161307.PAA02246@firewall.ualmb.co.za> "Behnken,F" writes:

> Firstly : The car has 55 000km (34 000 miles)on the clock and recently
> the third diff (the centre one) was replaced (I was told that there was
> minor wear on the diff and the driver could feel slight vibrations in
> the drive of the car) Is this normal after this amount of driving?

It's the first one I've heard of after _ANY_ amount of driving.

The gearbox and centre differential (apart from the rear carrier
bearing) are normally _BULLETPROOF_.  They get wrecked, occasionally,
when cars are stolen by ignorant youths who practice handbrake turns.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: 0385 302803   Fax: 01536 723021
 (The contents of this post will _NOT_ appear in the UK Newsletter.)