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Re: 200tqw Eibach Spring Part#s...

At 03:51 PM 4/16/98 -0800, you wrote:
>thompson sez:
>>Just wanted to verify part#s on some (never used) Eibach springs that I
>>recently purchased for my '89 200tqw. They are a ProKit and the box
>>part# was torn off. Here are the part#'s stamped on the springs.
>>Front: 1506.001
>>Rear: 1506.002
>the prokit part number is 1506.140
>these are the same parts i have on my 86 tqw.

These are the same Pro-kit numbers I bought for my '87 tq
Anyway, here are the numbers off my Eibach set...
Front:  49/95        1506.001US
Rear:  18/95         1506.002US
********************************AUDI FAN***********************************
                                   EMCM(SW) Dave Head  
87 5KCStq 223K miles                1.85 or so... bar 
    qcusa #3442           Oviedo, Florida     plate: STLTHTQ