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Re: 4kq clutch slave replacement
Fellow Audi fanatic,
are you replacing the clutch slave and master cylinders? I replaced my
clutch 2 years ago and at the same time I rebuilt these cylinders with
rebuild kits purchased from UAP/NAPA stores here in Canada, I think that
they have stores in the States. I hope that this isn't too late but its a
cheaper alternative than replacing the complete units, all you need is a
small honer.
Stefan Bendevis, audiman@sprint.ca
1987 5000 CD Quattro (1.8 bar, 3" exhaust, soon to have H&R springs as soon
as I buy some shocks)
-----Original Message-----
From: j g shepard <chawk@juno.com>
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Date: April 16, 1998 11:00 PM
Subject: 4kq clutch slave replacement
>Hey gang
>Besides corrosion 8) and the metal wire/clip, what holds this thing
>into the bell housing? Mine is leaking and I need to replace it. It looks
>as though my MC transplant might happen sooner than I thought. If I need
>to remove the trans, I think I might go ahead and begin transplantation.
>The BIG problem is I am movingnext friday and I will have no garage until
>I build a new one. My wife loved the new house so much I had to give in
>even though it had no garage 8(. WE almost bought the dream garage (24 x
>36 w/2 stories) with a house included but my persuasive powers were not
>good enough to convincce her of the importance of a nice garage )).
>85 4kq
>86 5kcst
>87 5kcstq
>?? TQW (still looking)
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